Carbidopa & Levodopa Teva

Carbidopa & Levodopa Teva Special Precautions

carbidopa + levodopa




Full Prescribing Info
Special Precautions
Check with the doctor or pharmacist before taking the medicine if: Patient has a history of fits (convulsions).
Patient has had an ulcer in the gut (called 'duodenal' or 'peptic ulcer') or have vomited blood.
Patient has had a heart attack, heart beat problems, circulation or breathing problems.
Patient has had kidney, liver or hormonal problems.
Patient has had depression or other mental problems.
Patient has a condition called 'chronic wide-angle glaucoma' that may cause a build up of pressure in the eye. The patient will need to have regular checks on the pressure in the eye.
Patient sometimes have sudden sleep attacks or sometimes feel very sleepy.
Patient is due to have surgery.
If not sure if any of the above apply, talk to the doctor or pharmacist before taking Carbidopa & Levodopa Tab (Teva).
Tell the doctor if patient or the family/carer notices that the patient is developing addiction-like symptoms leading to craving for large doses of Carbidopa & Levodopa Tab (Teva) and other medicines used to treat Parkinson's disease.
Tell the doctor if patient or the family/carer notices that the patient is developing urges or cravings to behave in ways that are unusual for him/her or patient cannot resist the impulse, drive or temptation to carry out certain activities that could harm himself/herself or others. These behaviours are called impulse control disorders and can include addictive gambling, excessive eating or spending, an abnormally high sex drive or an increase in sexual thoughts or feelings. The doctor may need to review the treatments.
Tests while taking Carbidopa & Levodopa Tab (Teva): This medication can affect some laboratory tests that the doctor may perform on blood or urine samples.
Patient should remind the doctor if he/she is taking Carbidopa & Levodopa Tab (Teva) and is having any tests.
Taking Carbidopa & Levodopa Tab (Teva) with food and drink: Try to avoid taking the tablets with a heavy meal. If the diet contains too much protein (meat, eggs, milk, cheese) Carbidopa & Levodopa Tab (Teva) may not work as well as it should.
Driving and using machines: Carbidopa & Levodopa Tab (Teva) affects different people in different ways. Some people have side effects which affect their ability to drive or use tools or machines (see Side Effects). Do not drive or use tools or machines in case of these effects.
Carbidopa & Levodopa Tab (Teva) can also make the patient sleepy or cause 'sudden sleep attacks'. If this happens, he/she must not drive or use tools or machines. The doctor will advise if he/she can start driving again if these attacks stop.
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